This is my frist blog,I'm not really very good about this whole blogging thing, and I don’t know what topic that I should put in my blog..sudently miss tini came out with an idea,she want us write "about ourself",
my name is siti norizwani yahya and you can call me wani..
born at University Hospital,21 may..by the way dont forget to give a present k..he3.i love persent ..especially from my freinds
I have 7 siblings,4 man and 3 girls.i was a eldest sister.
i was happy go lucky person,first time you saw me,you will say that i'm boring and quite person but if you already know me...he3
try to know me frist ok..actually
my frist school is Sekolah Rendah Kebangsaan Sungai Penchala,when 1 was in standart 2, i move to johor,i stay with grandmother and grandpa, there I taught about the meaning of"serba kekurangan".study in unequal village different then bandar. i must walk or board bicycle to scholl. when flood sesson actually in december,this is the best part in my live.. you want to know why?ihe3...
at that time we will wear "baju basahan" to school but after reach at scholl we need to change it with the school uniform.sometimes when i walk to scholl in that time,i can catch a baby fish by my hand .. and i will brought to home,and give it to mygrandpa..his love fish..that is the sweet memory i cant forget with atuk....i miss him so much..Al-fatihah..
sometimes, after return from school we go to fishing and swimm in the river behind my grandma house..
we built "rakit" together and try it,we will ride it together.it so fun and adventure,i miss my chilhood
but in standart four i were tranfer again to KL .and finished my UPSR in 1996.
ok that is my sweet memories i can share u all..bye
thanks to view my frist blog...